Let’s be ideal here; there’s nothing about love that is 100% ideal. There are flaws in everything, love included.

Let’s be optimistic; dreams about love are just dreams and most likely are not 100% accurate. You can count on the dream to happen, but don’t wish too hard.

Let’s be positive; love gives you a shoulder to lean on. Someone that will care for you and be there for you when you are in need.

Let’s be neutral; there’s no such thing as perfect, but there’s also no such thing as impossible. Put two and two together and find someone

Let’s be negative; many relationships have flaws, and what makes you think that conflicts in relationships will be solved flawlessly, like in the movies. There’s always heartbreak involved.

Let’s be pessimistic; out of 8 billion people, you expect to find the perfect soulmate that you have to dedicate your life to, no thank you.

Let’s be cynicistic; everyone is born alone in this world, and anyone whose hands you put your heart in, will crush it with their bare fingers.

No one will look after and love you as you do yourself.


In class for valentines day, we were told to choose a position in which we stand beside when it comes to love. At first I wanted to only focus on the negative, since these are the only kinds of encounters I have had with love. Then I thought to myself, “no, there are good things about love.” but people, including me, always tend to focus on the negative and this year I am trying to change that. Although, thinking about how I wrote it, it starts off the positive way and ends negatively. I am a very realistic person, and it is evident in my writing because even while being “ideal” and “optimistic”, I still manage to make it down to earth and how the reality of it is. This piece has negative influences behind it, inspired by previous people who have broken my heart, but like any good love story, it starts off on a somewhat positive note. As you slowly begin to realize that they do not care for you, you learn to just let go and stop trying, and that my friends is when you feel a lot like yourself and relieved, at least for me.

image: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjlmobUse7gAhW1HTQIHWQrCa0QjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgiphy.com%2Fgifs%2Fblack-and-white-flowers-wind-o9rLAnMt5KQLe&psig=AOvVaw3no61OebZ-nXQhDdFPxDBn&ust=1551991658770884

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