I once saw a post on Instagram 

Of an innocent child with his hands up, as though he was surrendering,

And the caption 

was that he thought the camera was a gun. 


That is not okay


What has happened to this world?


How did we get to where we are?


Let me tell you.

Let me tell you,

About the ruin this world has become


Every week there is a new YouTube video uploaded of more people evacuating their homes due to raging fires. 


Let me tell you, 

About how the lungs of this earth are burning in flames 


The amazon rain forest is what future generations will know as a dessert 


Let me tell you, 

About how a Muslim holocaust is going on in china

Where Muslims are being forced to eat pork, drink alcohol, and are being raped. 

When Hitler was killing Jews, no one knew about it, so there was nothing done until people found out. 


But here we are today, where the entire world is at our fingertips, and yet it is still going on.


Every time I watch stories, i see the same post of how we have to do something about everything, 

But no one is doing anything. 


Tell me how it makes sense that we all know what’s going on, and yet it is still going on.

Tell me how

Tell me how it is okay?


Tell me how it is okay that we all hear about bombings going off daily in all these places

And yet we are not doing anything about it. 

And no, 

Re posting something on your story does not help.

Variations of the same post reminding us every time we open our phones 

Of everything going on, and yet it is still going on. 

It brings awareness yes, but here we all are – aware.


What are we going to do? 


What are we going to do about all that has been going on in this world?


Tell me why take our privileges for granted when people wish – 

Oh i hope they still wish and dream- 

They wish they lived our life


They look at what we think is a ruin of a life,

And wish it were theirs. 

“ the person I like doesn’t notice me, my clothes are out of date, my makeup is from the drug store, my teacher yelled at me, I’m failing my classes”


Tell me why this matters when people are dying

Humanity has lost all its contact with sympathy, empathy, and the ability to care for others. 


Tell me why you are all sitting here nodding your heads in agreement 

When people’s heads are either being blown off or are somewhere detached from their body.




Tell me how that’s okay. 

Tell me for god’s sake.

It is not okay


Kids here are off playing in the park, 

While others are moving their parents bodies who died right in front of their eyes. 

Every child needs noise cancelling headphones to prevent them hearing the ruins of this world,

But no

That should not even have to be thought of because these kids should also be off playing in the park.


Everyday they wake up not knowing if they will ever put their head back down and sleep

But don’t we all wake up with that fear?


Don’t you just wish you could save all these children from a lifetime of trauma 

From all they’ve been through since infancy 

That is if they make it alive past then.


Want to know what is interesting, 

is the mindset behind the people doing these things

What kind of psychotic person do you have to be to be doing what you’re doing ?


Did your parents not love you enough

That you have to go off and kill other kids’ parents?

Their source of love


And safety 

is forever taken away from them.

Is your safety enhanced by taking away the safety of others?


It is brutal.

It is heartbreaking,


And unfair

That humans – like us – around the world are going through such anguish 

And we are doing nothing


We are barely even trying for god’s sake.


Let someone in this room be the reason the world is a better place




Because how will these children live the rest of their lives knowing the things they know?


They should not know the things they know.

Or have seen the things they’ve seen. 


Because we are able to move from an Instagram post, but these kids are not able to move on from their reality.


And I’m standing here for change 


What are you here for?

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